03 March 2025

Enrolment Manager Institution Settings

The Enrolment Management screen contains the institution settings for managing enrolments in the Learner Manager module.

Enrolment Manager institution settings screen

The fields on the Enrolment Manager screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Include tutor groups (roll forward) Whether to include tutor groups in the roll forward process.
Include non-default waivers (roll forward) Whether to include non-default waivers in the roll forward process.
Allow bulk enrolment past course end date Whether to allow bulk enrolments to be created past the course end date.
Include special details (roll forward) Whether to include special details in the roll forward process.
Include special start and end dates (roll forward) Whether to include special start and end dates in the roll forward process.
Include special aim start and end dates (roll forward) Whether to include special details – aim start and end dates in the roll forward process.
Include group reference (roll forward) Whether to include the unit group reference in the roll forward process.
Rollback transaction on partial failure Whether to enable the rollback transaction on partial failures for bulk enrolments.